
Showing posts from February, 2020

Workers play football.Managers play tennis.CEO's play golf...0Higher the function, smaller the balls

Workers play football.Managers play tennis.CEO's play golf...0Higher the function, smaller the balls

Racing calculation very important

*HORSE RACING* *PICKING WINNERS IN HORSE RACING – GUIDELINES* ( The following guidelines are applicable when the horses are allowed to run on merit. By observation about 40% races are run on merit. There is need to study the psycology of racing. Even among the above said balance of 60% most of the horses are among the first four of the horses as per calculations under the guidelines. Guide lines are approximate and are supposed to be near accuracy and should not be taken for granted as accurate.) While studying performance of any horse, select as many races of previous performances as possible at least upto previous one year. At times even the 5th or 6th places of the horse gives faster timings. So select a suitable race book that gives many performances. At a glance select one or two races wherein the timings seem to be fast, for the purpose of further calculation. *PLACEMENT TIMINGS:* Most of the books give the placement timings. Take it as it is. If not given, calculate the place ti...